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So what is a resilience plan and why are we asking members to develop one with us?

A resilience plan exists to promote resilient behaviors by communities. It should enable communities to be prepared for disruptive challenges that could happen in their community and, by doing so, reduce their overall collective recovery time. 

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What should a resilience plan do?

 Facilitate good communication about emergency planning between individuals, voluntary organisations and local businesses.

Identify barriers to emergency responses being actioned in the event of an emergency.

 Promote community-led action where appropriate.

Take into account the people most at risk in a community, in relation to core resilience events, and promote consideration of their circumstance in the occurrence of a resilience challenging event in a community.

Enable public service responders, such as the police or the fire service, to understand what aid is available in an area or community and to integrate these local voluntary capabilities into their emergency management planning.

Identify key community responders who are capable of leading response actions set out in their local resilience plan.

Co-ordinate voluntary capabilities into emergency management, such as spontaneous support from communities like we have witnessed in the face of the pandemic.

Support community networks to understand what they are and are not capable of in terms of emergency management, identify any training needs, take stock of their resources/ assets and to map their support network for an emergency response.

Detail a line of communication and data sharing within the community in the event of an emergency event.

Enable public service responders, such as the police or the fire service, to understand what aid is available in an area or community and to integrate these local voluntary capabilities into their emergency management planning.

The purpose of the Highland Resilience Network is to better our understanding and awareness of our third sector capability for emergency responses in our communities. 

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How does a community benefit from planning for resilience?

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HTSI is an independent charity on a mission to support, encourage and inspire work with community groups, clubs, charities and other third sector organisations throughout Highland.



01349 864289

Thorfin House,

Bridgend Business Park,
Dingwall, IV15 9SL

The Highland Third Sector Interface is a Scottish Registered Charity SC043521 and a Scottish Registered Company SC425808

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